Quick Ways to Handle the Discomfort of Menopause Symptoms
Menopause can pose a tremendous challenge for women. Because of a drastic change in our hormone levels, an array of symptoms often develops. Common symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, sleep disturbances, mood swings, vaginal dryness and others. It’s important for women to have complete knowledge of menopause, what to expect when it arrives, and to learn how to best deal with its symptoms as effectively as possible.
Here are some handy tips to help you cope with menopause symptoms. Certainly these tips should not replace getting regular check-ups and openly talking to your clinician about your symptoms. So, here are some techniques for dealing with symptoms:
- Get moving –work out for an hour at least 3-4 times per week. This may help relieve hot flashes; reduce stress and ward off depression. It also builds muscle, reducing bone loss and even may help with weight loss.
- Keep a log of your symptoms and share with your clinician. By doing this, you might find out what’s triggering those hot flashes – perhaps its foods that you are eating or stress.
- Watch what you eat – spicy foods, alcohol, caffeine will bring on hot flashes.
- Stay hydrated. Drink 8 glasses of water per day.
- Wear lighter clothes – wicking materials are helpful.
- Reduce stress levels.
- Get plenty of rest. Sleep to a sleep schedule.
- Keep bedroom cool at night.
- Practice relaxation exercises – yoga is helpful.
- Breathe deeply.
- Get a massage – may help relieve anxiety and insomnia.
- Take time to focus on yourself – stop worrying about everyone else.
- Talk to a friend – vent, laugh, stay connected. Support from friends helps.
- Talk openly to your clinician about your menopausal health concerns.
- Decrease vaginal dryness – OTC vaginal lubricants and moisturizers are available. And, consult with your clinician about vaginal hormone treatments, if necessary.
- Can’t remember things? Keep lists and use your phone to text yourself of reminders.
- Strengthen pelvic muscles with Kegel exercises to improve urinary incontinence.
- Get hormone help if necessary – a short course of hormone therapy might do the trick.
- Discuss with your clinicians other medication possibilities – non-hormonal prescribed options and/or alternative/complimentary options.
- Keep a sense of humour. Put things in perspective.
SOURCE: https://redhotmamas.org/menopause-a-z/survival-tips/